AI CoPilot Privacy and Security

Has AI CoPilot been developed by Heap or a third party?

AI CoPilot has been developed in-house by Heap using the OpenAI API Platform and associated foundational large language models.

What data is Heap sending to OpenAI? How is this data handled?

Heap sends the following data to OpenAI: Note: We never send your user’s identifiers or property values that look like…

Are you using my data to train OpenAI’s large language models?

No. Under OpenAI’s terms with Heap, OpenAI has committed that (i) the data shared with OpenAI will be used to…

How is AI CoPilot making sure my data is protected?

OpenAI does not use AI CoPilot Inputs or Outputs to train its models. AI CoPilot leverages large language models from…

Could another Heap customer identify or access our data by asking a question to AI CoPilot?

No. Any responses to a customer’s question would only be able to create a chart based on that customer’s data.…

Will using AI CoPilot impact my compliance with GDPR?

No. We have signed a Data Processing Agreement with OpenAI to ensure AI CoPilot’s compliance with GDPR. As a result,…

Is AI CoPilot using Chat GPT or Chat GPT Enterprise?

AI CoPilot makes no use of the ChatGPT product or the public-facing GPT Store. To create a chat experience inside…

Can I trust the accuracy of AI CoPilot? Is there a way to flag when an incorrect response is provided?

While the Heap team has made a significant effort toward creating a consistently accurate chat interface, the underlying AI technology…

Who owns the Inputs and Outputs of AI CoPilot?

Ownership of the Input and Output is addressed in your Master Service Agreement between you and Heap. For the avoidance…

Who can access the Input and Output data within Heap?

Input and Output may be used by Heap to improve the AI CoPilot Beta, see clauses 5 and 6 of…

Will the Input and Output data of AI CoPilot go into training a general model that can be used by other customers?

Improvements to AI CoPilot won’t be specific to a single customer’s Input or Output data. The Inputs and Outputs don’t…