Unexpected Results
All events are counted based on the time zone of your Heap account. For example, let’s say your Heap account…
There are a few reasons why the total conversion rate in a Conversion rate between events chart may be different…
The results of a ratio or conversion rate between chart will differ in a table chart vs. other chart types…
When importing CSVs into Excel, excel automatically converts BIGINTS into scientific notation. This results in your user and session IDs…
It isn’t always possible to know the exact cause of self-referrals, and a certain amount is to be expected. The…
When charting average time between and conversion rate, you may notice the values change when you update the date range,…
On rare occasions, you may see unusually long sessions in your analysis due to a session property cookie not being…
This means that the user record was created by either a server-side Add User Properties API call or by one of our…
In Heap, a usage over time chart and a funnel chart are measuring two different things. While a usage over…
Just as how usage over time charts and funnels count things differently, they also group results differently because they are…
Data in Heap may differ from data seen in other tools for a variety of reasons. Generally speaking, discrepancies of…
Because iPad browsing is becoming more similar to web, Safari version 13.0 and above uses a ‘Desktop-class’ experience by default,…