Data Management FAQs

Can I merge two users into one Identity?

We don’t have an self-serve method for you to merge users within Heap. We can work with you to perform…

How do I filter for my own traffic in live data feed?

To filter for your traffic for purposes of event validation, try doing some events, wait to see your Identity in…

How do I get real-time data in Heap?

Heap does not provide data in real-time. You can see data flowing in real-time into Heap via our Live data…

How to limit Heap cookie size

Before we get into best practices to limit cookie size, some important notes on how Heap generates cookies, and under…

I’m not seeing data in the referrer property for sessions that should have referrer data

Heap uses document.referrer to capture referrer information. When visiting a web page, the referrer or referring page will be the…

Why are we missing data from a specific customer/company?

Your customer may have implemented security policies that will block the loading of Heap (and typically any other client-side web…

How do I figure out the purpose of an event that was created by someone else?

If you’re looking at an event in Heap that was defined by someone else, we recommend taking the following steps…

Why does the user ID change or not appear in my live data feed?

When a user visits your site, a user ID in Heap is automatically generated and stored within a cookie in…

How do I capture change events from the select2 library?

Select2 is a jQuery-based replacement for HTML select elements. Heap relies on DOM events to capture events, such as select…