The Pages view allows you to access page-level engagement metrics easily and out-of-the-box.
This can help you answer questions such as:
- “Which landing pages are driving the highest engagement?”
- “Which content pages are driving the most conversions and value?”
- “Which pages are causing users to bounce or exit prematurely?”
Quick start
Navigate to Pages from the main menu.
Pages defined by: This is set to Page Type by default. Page type is a built-in property that groups similar URLs together automatically (ex: /product/123/reviews to /product/*/reviews). Page types update daily and may change over time. Supports grouping by a curated set of allowed Pageview event properties (see below).
Filter results: Only look at results which match certain criteria. Available criteria include user, session, and pageview properties. (ex: identity contains X, device type is Z, user is in segment Y).
Group By: Group by an additional property (e.g. Path, Country, Device Type, etc). See the list below for the Pageview event properties that are supported.
Date range: Set the time period you want to look at.
Allowed properties for Pages Defined By
Page Defined By only supports a curated set of Pageview event properties that clearly describe a set of Pages. Any defined properties that are based on allowed properties from the list below will also be supported.
The following properties are supported:
- Domain
- Query
- Path
- Hash
- Title
- View Controller
- ViewController Accessibility Identifier
- ViewController Accessibility Label
- Full Activity
- Activity
- Screen Name
- Page Type
- Custom Pageview Properties
How are results calculated?
Total number of pageviews. To learn more, see How does Heap define a pageview?
Total sessions
Total number of sessions containing pageviews of a given page group.
Time on page
The average time from viewing a page in a given page group and navigating to any other page.
Bounce rate
Bounce rate is calculated by dividing the number of bounces by the total number of sessions.
A bounce is when a pageview is both a landing and an exit (last pageview in the session), without any activity on that page prior to exit.
Exit rate
Exit rate is calculated by dividing the number of exits from a specific page by the total pageviews of that page.
An exit is when a page is the last pageview in a session.
Landings count the number of times a page is the first one visited in a session.
Unique users
Unique users is calculated as the total number of unique users who viewed a page within the selected date range. Users who visited a page multiple times within the date range or a single session are only counted once.
Customize table columns
Click Customize columns to change the order of your columns and/or remove columns from view.
Drag and drop column names to change their order.
You can also deselect columns to hide them from view, and reselect them to bring them back.
If you decide to hide some columns, the Customize columns menu’s name will change to reflect the number of columns hidden instead.
Save Pages View as a Chart
The Pages view can be saved as a reusable chart within your Charts library. To save your Pages view, click the Save button on the top right of the page.

You will be presented with a modal window with options to name your chart and configure it’s visibility settings.
Pages Charts in Dashboards
Saved Pages charts can be added to dashboards in the same manner as other chart types. Learn how to add charts to dashboards here.