If you are on a free account, you can request to have your Heap account closed by contacting us via the Get support page. We’ll close your account and remove any data at your request.
If you have a paid account and your subscription is set to auto-renew, please provide Heap a 45-day prior written notice to terminate any future renewals. You can send your request to dealdesk@heap.io. If your subscription does not automatically renew, your Heap services will expire at the end of your subscription term.
You will retain access to your paid Heap services until the end of your term, and any accrued fees will have to be paid in accordance with your agreement with Heap. Once services have ended, you can also request to have your Heap account closed by contacting us via the Get support page. We’ll close your account and remove any data at your request.
How do I merge an individual account into a team account?
If you are requesting to close your account in an attempt to merge an individual account into a team account, please let us know in your request, and we will update both accounts per your request.