Beginning in May 2023, paths analysis will be discontinued in Heap. At that time, you’ll no longer be able to view existing paths charts or create new ones. See our community announcement to learn more about why we are discontinuing paths.
Migrating an existing paths chart to journeys
To migrate an existing paths chart to journeys, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to All Charts and open the paths chart you would like to migrate.
2. In the top nav, click the Journeys tab. The first event in your path chart and any filters will be carried over automatically.
3. Below the chart results, click the + Add button. This will open a list of your top events, which are the most popular events at this point in this user journey.
4. Click the + Add step to journey option next to any event in this list to add it to this journey.
5. Click the + Add a branch button to add other possible paths users may take to the journey. Repeat the process until you have accounted for either all of the events that you are most interested in, or the majority of the paths users take (excluding those who dropped off).
For more information on how to use journeys to visualize all the paths your users can take, see Journeys overview.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this journey giving me different numbers than Paths?
The numbers from journeys and paths are actually answering slightly different questions, and you shouldn’t expect them to always be the same. Journeys compares which path users took first compared with the other events on that row in the journey. Paths compares sessions in which a user did the event compared to every other event that other users did.
What about users who do go down multiple branches?
In journeys, users are only counted once based on which path they took first.
My journey doesn’t include 100% of users. Help!
User behavior can be complex. Journeys are designed to help you understand what most users do, not necessarily what every user does. To get closer to 100%, you can add additional steps by clicking the grey “Users who dropped off” option and selecting additional events from the top events list.
Exploring user behavior with journeys
To get started with Jjurneys to explore user behavior, launch our interactive guide.